News Release

Yigo Ward Pitches in to Help Upi Elementary School Prepare for Opening


Among the damage incurred from Hurricane Mawar in 2023, adequate cleanup of Guam’s schools so that students can safely return has been challenging. Many schools are still waiting adequate cleanup and repairs so that schools may be safely opened.

Wanting to help with this effort, members of the Yigo Ward of the Barrigada Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints stepped up to help. Upon learning that nearby Upi Elementary School was preparing for their upcoming health inspection which must be passed before the school can open, ward leaders organized a service project to help the school cleanup for the upcoming inspection.

On Saturday, August 25th, over 40 volunteers from the Yigo Ward showed up at the school and
spent 2 hours on Saturday morning washing windows and scrubbing window louvers.

“Thank-you so much for taking time out of your busy Saturday morning to come help clean our school,”
 said Julie Salas, Principal of Upi Elementary. “You don’t know how much this means to us!”

Especially impressive to school officials was that many people came and worked together as families.

“Education is so important, and we wanted to support our community by helping ensure that children have a clean and healthy place to learn," said Brady Smith a counselor in the Yigo Ward bishopric.

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