With much anticipation, many people filled the Tokyo Annex chapel for a special musical devotional on August 14th. The event was also broadcast by zoom to other locations. Nik Day and his wife, Darla were invited to come share their testimonies in word and through music.
Nik Day is the Youth Songwriting Manager for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has written and arranged over 200 pieces, which have been published on the EFY (Especially For Youth) and youth albums, and other church channels. He has written songs like “Peace in Christ,” “I Will Go and Do,” “A Great Work,” “Trust in the Lord,” “I Can Do All Things,” and “Disciple of Christ.” His youth music has been streamed more than a billion times, reaching people around the world.
Darla is a sought-after aerial performer and event planner. When she lived in Texas she ran away and joined a generational Mexican circus where she learned how to perform various circus acts. She was a featured aerial silks performer in the traveling circus and eventually performed in Las Vegas for Cirque-du-Soleil before she started a circus school and event company in Utah.
Alternating between word and song, Nik and Darla shared some of the experiences they have had, which have helped strengthen their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Nik, who started writing songs at the age of 5, always wanted to be a famous rock singer or work for a Christian music publishing company. But that was not what the Lord wanted for him. When he prayed to receive direction for his life, Nik felt impressed to move to Salt Lake City and work for the Church. He followed that prompting and has been grateful to have experiences sharing his music all over the world. Nik has learned that he can do anything God calls him to do, with the Savior by his side.
Darla’s parents, who joined the church in their teens, raised their family with the gospel at its center. Although Darla tried, she was unable to feel the joy the gospel should have been in her life. In her search for happiness, as a teenager, she left home and joined the circus. Despite her amazing experiences in the circus, she still was not happy. She tried living a lifestyle that seemed to make others happy, but she did not find happiness there either. She had turned her back on God, and she felt alone. When she wanted to return to Him, she found that she could not stop some of the habits she had started. At one point, as she was driving, she cried out in prayer, “Heavenly Father, if you’re there, if you even care, is there still hope for me?” She was impressed to look out her car windows. On one side, she saw a prison and on the other side, she saw the Draper, Utah Temple. She knew that Heavenly Father was telling her that she could choose for herself, and she chose Him. Although it was difficult, through the power of Christ’s atonement, she was able to gradually make changes in her life. She has learned that she can feel peace and joy even when she is going through hard things. She has dedicated her life to sharing that message with others.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Nik and Darla’s messages are imbedded within the songs that Nik has written and that they performed in the devotional. For their final song, “Peace in Christ,” they invited the audience to stand and sing with them. As a testament that with God, nothing is impossible, they chose to learn to sing the lyrics in Japanese, so they could sing along with the audience. It was a powerful close to their presentation.
Before closing the meeting, President Reed Deshler, Tokyo North Mission Leader, added his testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He extended five invitations to those friends who were attending:
- Begin studying with the missionaries about Jesus Christ’s gospel.
- Read, ponder, and apply the teachings of Jesus Christ contained in the Book of Mormon.
- Come to church.
- Show your faith in Christ by being baptized.
- Invite your family and friends to join you in following Jesus Christ.
Following the devotional, guests were able to visit with each other and with the Days. Refreshments were provided, and copies of The Book of Mormon and other Church materials were available in multiple languages for friends to take home with them.