The Asia North Area Presidency announces the release of the 2025 calendar commemorating significant historical events in the Church's nearly 200-year history in America, historical images in the Asia North Region, and scenes from our Savior’s life. This unique calendar offers members a chance to connect with the rich heritage of the faith throughout the years and the blessings from Jesus Christ.
Each month of the calendar features pictures referencing an important moment in church history, a time of growth for the Asia North Region, and our Savior’s birth, life, and resurrection; complete with beautiful imagery and inspiring descriptions. From the First Vision of Joseph Smith in 1820 to the birth of Jesus Christ, the calendar spans the breadth of the Latter-day Saint experience.
“This calendar is not just a way to mark time, but a daily reminder of the faith, sacrifice, and devotion of those who have gone before us," said Elder Esplin, 1st Counselor of Asia North Area Presidency. "We hope it will inspire members to deepen their understanding of the ‘marvelous work and wonder’ of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ and also look for the Lord’s hand in each of our lives every day."
Highlights Include:
- January: Joseph Smith’s First Vision
- April: The Savior’s resurrection
- August: Missionaries in Asia North
- November: Temples in Asia North
Beyond its practical use, the calendar serves as an opportunity to reflect and ponder the growth of the church under the direction of Jesus Christ.
"We've designed this calendar to be both beautiful and informative," explained Soojung Yeon, Communications Director for Korea. "It's our hope that families will use it as a springboard for discussions about our heritage of restored gospel and a reminder for us to return to Christ every day. Also included at the bottom of each month is the weekly Come Follow Me lesson to guide us in our home centered church supported study of the scriptures."
This calendar offers a timely opportunity for members to reflect on their religious heritage and the enduring principles that continue to guide the faith into the future.
The 2025 Area Calendar will be delivered to each unit from late November until mid-December and will be distributed to families at unit meetings.