News Release

More new senior missionaries in Micronesia Guam Mission

Elder-and-Sister-HirschiDownload Photo

The newest senior missionary couple to join the Micronesia Guam Mission arrived July 14th. Elder Joseph and Sister Carol-Lynne Hirschi came to the mission from the state of Illinois. They left for their mission just days after Elder Hirschi retired, finally fulfilling a promise they had made to each other over forty years earlier.                                  

Both Elder and Sister Hirschi were both raised and received most of their education in northern Utah. One of his first employers, as a mining engineer, was in southern Illinois. And that area became home until now. They are the parents of seven children and seventeen grandchildren who have become their biggest cheerleaders.

They have served in many callings in the Church, some in leadership, others teaching in all different areas in their ward and stakes. Other callings were innovative and adaptive to specific needs. They indeed bring many skillsets to their mission.                                                                                                                            

They are serving as MLS missionaries and have been assigned to the island of Pohnpei. In addition, Elder Hirschi has been called as the Second Councilor in the Mission Presidency. Sister Hirschi has been assigned to assist the Seminary and Institute programs on the island.

An interesting relationship to point out is that Elder Hirschi and President Okuda served together in a Stake Presidency for many years.

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