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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can play an important or even unique role in spreading an awareness of the Church and its programs throughout a community, or even a country.
The Koror Branch, in the Republic of Palau, has offered support in building public relations and expanding the presence of the Church on their island. This Branch, led by President John Ngiraked along with his wife Angie, are furthering the Lord’s kingdom through its valiant members.
Rebluud Kesolei, a member of the Koror Branch with a unique connection with the President of Palau, set up a meeting. On August 12th, 2021, Elder Joseph R. Green and Sister Constance Y. Green, met with President Surangel Whipps, Jr, the first senior missionary couple to meet the Palauan President. They presented the Church’s Eat Healthy, Be Active (EHBA) program. This program, offered through the Church, provides members and the community education regarding Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD’s) and instruction on how to eat a healthier diet while adding exercise into their daily schedules. This is a topic of great concern to President Whipps as there is a high percentage of NCD’s, such as diabetes, in Palau and throughout the islands.
Sister Ngiraked, the stake self-reliance representative, agreed to start an EHBA pilot program with the Koror Branch members. Ngiraibelas Tmetuchl, Minister of Human Resources, Culture, Tourism and Development, expressed that he would like to see this program spread throughout the community as an ongoing effort to alleviate NCD’s. An EHBA booklet was given to Sherilynn Madraisau, Director of the Bureau of Public Health.
Also discussed with the President were the past wheelchair initiatives and other humanitarian efforts the Church has supported. Further discussed was how the Church can partner on future efforts. A meeting with Darnelle Worswick, Director, Bureau of Health Administration and Support Services at Belau National Hospital, revealed the great need they have for wheelchairs when people leave the hospital on rehabilitation, as well as for members of the community. The Church is currently in the process of acquiring wheelchairs to alleviate this need.
Minister Tmetuchl suggested meeting with Olympia E. Morei-Remengesau, Director, Belau National Museum, to problem solve ways to document or archive island families histories, looking for ways to connect with Church family history consultants as their culture only passes on their geneologies verbally.
The Church’s Welfare and Self-Reliance Department strives to improve education as well as quality of life. The Church has provided support to Mayleen Ngiriou, principal of Koror Elementary School, with backpacks and school supplies for the children, giving them a step up in their learning to help foster their success as students.
Because of the unique influence members have in their communities and beyond, they are extremely instrumental in successfully preparing the way for developing community relations with the Church.