News Release

Pohnpei School Receives Gift of Playground Equipment 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Makes Donation to Palikir Early Childhood Education Center

Children, especially in the elementary years, need opportunities to play and be physically active. Exercise helps them to develop mentally, physically, socially, and emotionally.  

No one understands this principle better than the parents and educators at Pohnpei’s Palikir Early Childhood Education Center (Palikir ECE Center). 

Wanting to help the school obtain needed playground equipment for the children, Irene Etse, a parent of 2 Palikir ECE Center students and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints approached Bill Davis, her church’s representative for humanitarian outreach efforts in Micronesia. She asked him if perhaps the Church might help Palikir ECE Center obtain some playground equipment, knowing that the Church is dedicated to helping people throughout the world become more self-reliant, a goal of the school. 

Davis then applied for and received funding for playground equipment to support the school in achieving its mission. The equipment was delivered and installed in September of this year.  

On Friday, September 27, 2024, a ceremony was held to celebrate the donation of a large climb-up play center consisting of a variety of slides, climbing bars, a trampoline with safety nets, and saucer swings. Also donated were a desk-top computer, a printer, some fans, and a child-friendly toilet. 

Officers from Pohnpei’s government and Department of Education along with representatives of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints received a warm welcome by Dadeios Hamilik, a key administrator for Palikir ECE Center, followed by the children singing an enthusiastic rendition of the Pohnpei Anthem.  

“This will make the kids healthy, and kids learn better and more efficiently,” said Stanley Etse, Director of Pohnpei Department of Education.

After more singing by the children, Dolorida Hadley, representing Dr. Merlynn Abello-Alfonse, congresswoman for Pohnpei, also expressed her office’s gratitude for the Church of Jesus Christ’s support of education in Pohnpei.  

Speaking for the Church, Bill Davis focused his attention on the children who were present, complimenting them on their singing, and expressing to them his hope they will enjoy the equipment and encouraging them to “study hard and learn a lot.” 

Stake President Williamson Rodriques, Bill Davis, Irene Ongesel Etse© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Davis also emphasized the role of the donations of local Latter-day Saints from Pohnpei in making the donation possible. Specifically, he expressed his thanks for Sister Irene Etse for bringing the needs of the school to his attention so that the Church could get them the help they needed.  

“Kalahngan,” Davis said in Pohnpeian, thanking everyone involved in the project. 

Wagner David-Pohnpei ECE Office© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The ceremony concluded with remarks by Wagner David from the Pohnpei ECE Office. “Whatever you ask in the name if Jesus Christ you will receive,” he stated, expressing his belief that the donation was a gift from God. 

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