News Release

Operation Christmas Drop receives donation from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

OCD 2023
OCD 2023
Elder Allan & Sister Dana McMakin (humanitarian missionaries 2022-2023), Bill Davis (Welfare & Self-Reliance Manager), Johnny Suyles (President), Joan Moniz (Vice-President) of OCD organization 2023© 2023 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated tools, fish nets, first aid kits and children’s books to The Operation Christmas Drop 2023.   These items will be divided, put into boxes, and then airlifted and dropped to the remote islands of Micronesia.  They appreciate all the donations that benefit those who receive these items.  Some of the items donated will help to sustain families as fishing is one of the island’s main industries.

According to the Anderson Airforce Base Website: “Operation Christmas Drop is the Department of Defense’s longest-running humanitarian airlift operation. The tradition began during the Christmas season in 1952 when a B-29 Superfortress aircrew saw islanders waving at them from the island of Kapingamarangi, 3,500 miles southwest of Hawaii. In the spirit of Christmas, the aircrew dropped a bundle of supplies attached to a parachute to the islanders below, giving the operation its name. Today, air drop operations include more than 50 islands throughout the Pacific.”

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