Pohnlangas Branch Meetinghouse 2024
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.On March 12, 2022, there was a groundbreaking ceremony for the new New Mand chapel on the beautiful island of Pohnpei. On May 19, 2024, the new meetinghouse was finally dedicated and given a new name. Because it is in the village of Pohnlangas, it was changed to the Pohnlangas Branch. The word Pohnpei interpreted into English means: "Upon the Altar" and Pohnlangas interpreted means: "Upon Heaven". So, this chapel is built upon the altar upon heaven!
The old Mand chapel was in the Mand Village on a beautiful spot of ground where the sound of running water could be heard. To some, it was a sacred place. Unfortunately, it was not close to any main roads and was difficult to find if you didn’t know where to go. The new chapel is right off one of the main roads in Pohnpei. Several meetinghouses for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints can also be found on this same stretch of road in other villages. The new meetinghouse is approximately 6800 square feet and consists of a chapel, a bishop/branch president office, clerk’s office, one classroom, and bathrooms. It has a large, cemented parking lot at the back of the building where the youth can play basketball and the branch can gather for socializing as well.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
A well-planned open house event was held on Saturday, May 18, 2024. There were a lot of people who attended, both members and non-members. Under canopies for shade, local fish was served along with other island food like bread fruit and rice. Cultural dances and music were performed for all to enjoy on Saturday. The owner of the property, who is a Dauk which is third in to be the King, was honored at the celebration. Special gift baskets of food were given to him and his wife and others, which were gratefully appreciated.
Elder and Sister Christensen, Family Search Missionaries, talked about the importance of knowing and learning more about our family so we can take their names to the temple and bind our families together forever. Elder and Sister Palmer, Seminary and Institute Missionaries, encouraged the youth and young single adults to attend seminary and institute and explained the importance of these inspired programs of the Church. President Herman shared a video of our Savior, Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for each of us. He explained the importance of our covenants and partaking of the sacrament each week in the new chapel.
On Sunday, a regular sacrament meeting was held where the saints raised their hands in support of the name change of the new meetinghouse. The meeting was highlighted by a missionary homecoming talk given by Sister Pablo who had just returned from serving for eighteen months in the Idaho Falls Mission. At the conclusion of the sacrament meeting, the dedication of the new chapel began with a hymn and an opening prayer. The dedicatory prayer was given by Elder Darwin Halverson, an Asia North Area seventy.
Pohnlangas Meetinghouse Pohnpei 2024
Pohnlangas Branch Chapel dedication© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Pohnlangas Meetinghouse Pohnpei 2024
L-R: Pohnlangas Branch counselor, President Simon (Branch President), President Ozimy Edward (Counselor in Pohnpei Stake presidency) Elder Darwin Halverson (Area Seventy), President Rodriguez (Pohnpei Stake President), President Herman (Counselor in Pohnpei stake presidency) © 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In the dedicatory prayer, Elder Halverson blessed the meetinghouse to be a place of worship, a place of gathering, a place of ministering, and even a place of joy. He expressed gratitude for all the missionaries who have served and will serve in this beautiful land and for the pioneers of the Church in Pohnpei. He dedicated meeting rooms and grounds that all who come there may know that our Father in Heaven is the Almighty God of Heaven. He asked the Lord to bless those that came there that they might come to know His Son Jesus Christ and feel of His great love for them. Elder Halverson prayed that this building will stand and serve the saints here for many years to come. He asked the Lord to bless the members of the Pohnlangas Branch, that the children and youth will find safety, direction, comfort, and strength as they love and serve Him. He also prayed for a blessing to especially be with the young men that they will have a desire to share the gospel throughout the world as missionaries. He prayed for a blessing to be with the holders of the priesthood that they would be strong, be able to resist temptation, and to be able to repent when they fall short. He asked a blessing to be upon all those who have made covenants with the Lord that each will feel strength and confidence in their covenants. He expressed gratitude in prayer saying: “We are grateful that the joyful message of Jesus Christ and His Atonement continues to be proclaimed throughout the isles of the sea.”
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |

Pohnlangas Meetinghouse 2024
Sister Elehne Edward shares her testimony and feelings about the gospel and the new chapel© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Elehne Edward, a sweet older sister who came and was one of the oldest living members of the Mand Branch, now the new Pohnlangas Branch, shared her testimony and thoughts about the new chapel and name change saying: “My feelings are very joyful because of the new change. It makes me feel very happy and excited! It’s like becoming new and changed just like the gospel. That joy is a renewal of joy in this new place.” She has been a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints since 1997. “I am very grateful for scriptures because the scriptures really help teach me. By coming to know the scriptures, I have received understanding and truth. When I joined the Church, I gained a great connection with God. Before I joined, there were people that I didn’t really like, but since I became a member of the Church, I have come to love them the most. The gospel changed my heart. Before when people needed help, I didn’t want to help them. Now, if anyone needs help, I will help them and I’m grateful to be able to help. I’m thankful to be a member of this Church. The gospel helped me love people. When I don’t come to Church, I always pray. I pray that my children will join me. Only one son out of all my children has joined the Church. Please pray for my children that they may join this Church. I testify that this Church is true.”

Sister Jaceleen Pablo, who returned from serving her mission to Idaho Falls returned home the day before the dedication. She expressed her feelings and testimony about the new meetinghouse as well saying: “It is amazing to see the progress of the Lord’s work in this area. It’s also amazing to see these wonderful members here. I’m so grateful for their hard work and dedication to the Lord in this work. I’m grateful to be able to witness this special day. I’m grateful that my family could be here to listen to my talk today. I’m grateful for the gospel and the blessings that it brings to us as individuals and to our families. My grandparents came to listen to me speak and they are not members of the Church. I just found out from the Elder’s that they have been coming to Church for the last three weeks! Seeing them sitting there in the chapel and learning more about Jesus Christ touched my heart and I can guarantee that one day they will come to know the knowledge of the gospel and be able to receive it in their lives.”
The purpose of dedicating new meetinghouses is to dedicate it to the work of God once the construction is complete and it’s ready to be used as a place for the saints to meet and worship our Father in Heaven and His Son, Jesus Christ.