The Asia North Area Micronesia/Guam area has new Area Organization Advisors that will begin their assignments on April 1, 2024, along with their assigned Coordinating Councils.

Yeonshin Lee 2024
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Sister Yeonshin Lee was born in Suwon, South Korea and is the daughter of Yonghwan Lee and Inja Han. She has one brother, Myeongshin. She was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1981 while attending the Shinpoong ward in Suwon. In 1991, she served as a missionary for the Church in Daejeon Korea. She married Youngjoon Kwon in 1995, who is currently a Justice on the Korea Supreme Court. They are the parents of four children: Haram, Haerin, Haechan, and Haeun. Sister Yeonshin Lee received her Bachelor, M.D. and a PHD from Kyunghee University. She was a dentist for several years but is not practicing at this time. She has served in her Stake and Ward in the Primary as a president and a counselor, Stake and Ward Young Women’s president and counselor, Ward Relief Society president and counselor, as well as Seminary Supervisor, and a Sunday School teacher. Her responsibilities as an A.O.A (area organization advisor) will be in South Korea.

Risa Nozaki 2024
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Risa Nozaki was born in Fukui Japan. She speaks both Japanese and English. Sister Nozaki has served in many church calling including ward Relief Society counselo, Primary teacher, Seminary supervisor, Seminary and Institute teacher, Temple Assistant Shift Coordinator, EFY and SMYC Coordinator, Ward organist, and Ward missionary. She served an eighteen-month mission in the Japan Senai Mission. She has a bachelor’s degree in education. She is currently an Executive Assistant to the Asia North Area Presidency. She is a member of the Fujimi Kawagoe Ward in the Tokyo Japan Stake. Her assignment includes five areas: Nagoya, Tokyo South, English-speaking/Military Districts, and Micronesia/Guam.

Ariunaa Egch
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Ariunchimeg Tserenjav was born in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. She joined the Church in 1994 and served a mission from 1996-1997 in Salt Lake City, Utah. She graduated with a bachelor’s degree in accounting from BYU Hawaii. She is married to Odgerel Ochirjav and they have two children. She has had many opportunities to serve in the Church including Stake Relief Society president, a teacher in Relief Society, Sunday School, and Institute. Her assignment covers Mongolia.

Akiko Orito was born in Tokyo, Japan. She has served in many callings in the Church both on a ward and stake level. She has served as a Stake and Ward Relief Society president, Ward Relief Society counselor, Ward Primary president, Sunday School teacher, Seminary and Primary teacher. She is married to Atsushi Orito and they are the parents of four children. Sister Orito is a translator by profession. She is a member of the Matsudo 2nd Ward in the Matsudo Japan Stake. Her assignment will include four areas: Fukuoka, Kobe, Sapporo, and Tokyo North. About her calling, she said: “I was very surprised and feel inadequate in every respect. However, I know from whom I have received this calling. I have received countless favors and blessings from Heavenly Father and Jesus. I am happy to repay them, even in a small way.”