As the pandemic worsened in Guam, the economy in Guam was hit hard. But with the resulting unemployment skyrocketing to record levels, even more devastating has been the impact on individuals and families. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently stepped in to do what it could, making donations to three organizations that are on the front lines of providing food and clothing to the poor and needy on Guam.
On November 18, 2020, Area Seventy Elder Bill Davis and Barrigada Guam Stake President Fredivic Nicerio represented The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in donating $5,000 to the Salvation Army Guam Corps. Unbeknownst to Elder Davis and President Nicerio, the Salvation Army was short almost exactly that amount for its annual Thanksgiving Day meals for the needy on Guam. Captain Kari Rudd of the Salvation Army said she got goosebumps when she heard the amount. She and her husband, Captain Eric Rudd, accepted the donation on behalf of the Salvation Army. Missionaries from the Micronesia Guam mission provided food and physical support to the Salvation Army through the summer, and the Salvation Army officials said they were grateful for the Church’s continued support. Bill Davis said, “I believe this is an answer to your prayers. Thank you for the services you are doing for the community, and Welcome to Guam.” The Rudds arrived on Guam several months ago. This donation was highlighted in the Guam Daily Post.

The next day on November 19, on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Elder Davis and President Nicerio donated $5,000 to the Catholic Church Agana Archdiocese Ministry to the Homeless. Program Director Doris Royal and John Taitano accepted the donation in a ceremony held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Barrigada. Ms. Royal expressed her heartfelt gratitude for the donation. With the rise of the pandemic, the number of homeless on Guam has increased, straining the Ministry’s ability to support those in most need. Bill Davis said the LDS church was extremely happy to partner with the Ministry to the Homeless, and provide relief to the needy in this time of unprecedented economic hardships on Guam.

Finally, on November 20, Elder Davis and President and Sister Nicerio made a $5,000 donation to the Catholic Church’s Sisters of Mercy. The President of the Academy of Our Lady of Guam, Sister Angela, received the donation on behalf of the Sisters of Mercy. Barrigada Guam Stake members and missionaries from the Micronesia Guam Mission partnered with the Sisters of Mercy earlier this year to provide goods for the needy on Guam. This additional donation will supplement their efforts as the pandemic continues.

The Church hopes to exemplify the doctrines of the Savior, as taught by the Apostle James: “Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world” (James 1:27).