A typical mission for the Restored Church of Jesus Christ will often take missionaries to a variety of people, places, and terrains. For Terri and Tom Stillwaugh this contrast couldn’t be wider and more distinct.
The Stillwaughs began their mission assigned to the arid steppe region of the Mongolia Ulaanbaatar Mission, part of the Asia North Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
They were sent to Sainshand in southeastern Mongolia in the Gobi Desert where “the air was very dry and there was very little vegetation,” according to the Stillwaughs. They loved the Latter-day Saints in that corner of the Lord’s vineyard where the Church has experienced rapid growth over the past few decades.
Then after 8 months in Sainshand, Legal restrictions on visa stays for foreigners in Mongolia required that the Stillwaughs leave Mongolia. They were reassigned to serve in the Micronesia Guam Mission of the Asia North Area, requiring them to make a huge jump from the northern deserts and steppes of landlocked Mongolia to the humid tropical forests of the isles of Micronesia.
The Stillwaughs welcomed this new direction for their mission with a positive attitude. Though they loved the people in Mongolia and were disappointed to leave, they embraced their new assignment with faith that the Lord is guiding their path.
Upon arriving on Guam and meeting with President and Sister Okuda, leaders of the mission, they were asked to labor as Member Leader Support missionaries on the Island of Kosrae on the outer southeast edge of the mission, far away from the Gobi Desert.
In contrast to the Mongolian topography, Kosrae is covered in lush, tropical forests and surrounded by blue-green lagoons filled with brightly colored reef fish. Wool clothing was set aside in favor of lighter, breathable fabrics better suited to the warm, high humidity of tropical island life.
Kosrae’s new senior missionary couple has been especially impressed with the islanders whom they have quickly grown to know and love. “The people here are so humble and kind,” says Sister Stillwaugh. “They are giving and much more worried about serving us than allowing us to serve them. I especially love their caring, loving natures.”
The Stillwaughs bring a wealth of life experience and talents to Kosrae.

Elder Stillwaugh was born in Yakima, Washington, and Sister Stillwaugh in Burns, Oregon. When they were 5-years-old their families moved to Boise, Idaho where they grew up. Their first date was to the Boise, Idaho Temple open house.
They have 4 sons and 8 grandchildren.
Elder Stillwaugh joined the Church when he was 30 years old. He and their oldest son were baptized on the same night, making the date especially memorable.
They have dedicated their lives to following the Savior and serving others in a wide variety of callings in the Church. They faced a crossroads in their lives when the mining company Elder Stillwaugh had been working for as a CPA moved his job to Toronto, Canada. In evaluating what to do next, “We realized that the Lord had put us on a great path to serve a mission,” they said.
Even before Elder Ronald A. Razband of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles called for more senior missionaries in his 2023 General Conference address, the Stillwaughs had submitted their application to serve a mission. “We were excited that we were ahead of the curve for once in our lives,” said Sister Stillwaugh.

When asked what motivates them in life, the Stillwaughs gave the following insights:
Sister Stillwaugh – “I love learning and spending my time creating useful things. The Gospel is all about learning, so that motivates me to keep reading, studying and trying. I love that the Gospel is about becoming and creating. The Gospel inspires me to keep working on who and what I am to become, and what Heavenly Father and I can create in the process.”
Elder Stillwaugh– “I love spending time with my family, being productive and solving problems. The Gospel is all about family, serving and helping others. My life after joining the church has been full of joy, and when the storms have hit, we have weathered them well due to the Gospel.”
The Stillwaughs hope to help strengthen the faith of those whom they befriend and serve in Kosrae. Sister Stillwaugh shared the following thoughts:
“Our purpose here on the island of Kosrae is to love and serve the people. Our goal is to support them in enduring to the end, to show them that being a follower of Christ will help make their lives more fulfilling and less difficult. I pray that we can show them that it is truly about love, and not about box checking and doing things in a specific way.”