News Release

Church Contribution Allows Gardening to Flourish on Kosrae 

Greenhouses Help Overcome Challenges of Climate and Geography

Bill Davis, Maralyn Nulud with daughters© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Growing vegetables and legumes in Kosrae, FSM has never been easy.  The 300+ inches of annual rainfall over-saturates the soil, and torrential downpours pound and destroy fragile seedlings and plants. Any garden plant that might beat the odds and overcome the water-logged soil is quickly eaten by land crabs and other garden pests. 

In addition, “Many people live in locations where there is no topsoil, or on filled land, or beachside, having coral, sand and rocks around their houses,” explained Nora Sigrah of the Lelu Farmer’s Association (LFA).  

Since vegetables and legumes are essential for a healthy diet, discovering effective methods to grow and harvest them on Kosrae has been a priority for local leaders and residents.  

In recent years The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has partnered with the non-profit LFA and other charitable organizations and government entities to overcome the challenges of western vegetable gardening in Kosrae. 

An exciting solution which has emerged from LFA’s efforts has been greenhouses specifically designed for Kosrae’s unique climate and geography. 

These open-air greenhouses are constructed of sturdy wooden frames and covered in plastic, which shelters seedlings and plants so that watering can be appropriately regulated. Plants grow in containers and grow bags that rest on elevated platforms inside the greenhouse, keeping them out of the reach of land crabs and other garden pests. 

LFA also supplies island-friendly seeds, seedlings, and other necessary supplies such as trellises, mulch and fertilizer to be used with the greenhouses. 

Since 2016, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has worked in partnership with LFA in funding the construction of over 100 of these greenhouses for families throughout the State of Kosrae. 

“We were receiving many requests for donations related to helping those with health issues due to non-communicable diseases (NCD’s)” noted Bill Davis, Welfare and Self-Reliance Manager for the Church. “Supporting these efforts to improve the health of the Kosrae islanders and help people grow their own gardens was definitely something we wanted to help with.”  

Greenhouses are provided for all regardless of religious affiliation.  

As part of the Church’s self-reliance efforts, Bill Davis would like to take this program to other islands in Micronesia as well.  

The effort is a great partnership between the Church and other community organizations and members. “We do this because we believe in following the two great commandments the Lord has given,” said Bill Davis. “Those commandments are that we must love the Lord with all our heart, and we must also love our neighbor. This is why we make these contributions.” 

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