News Release

“All of Our Clothing is Wool!” 

Senior Missionaries Transfer from Mongolia to Guam

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Recently Sister Erica and Elder Berkeley Price landed at the Guam airport wearing warm clothes suited for the cooler, drier Mongolian climate. Their suitcases were filled with smart wool socks, thermals, boots, coats, scarves and gloves designed to help survive the long, frigid winters of Mongolia. 

The abrupt climate change was striking. 

“All of our Clothing is wool!” said Elder Price. 

But the Prices found the warm weather to be matched by the equally warm welcome they received from the locals who greeted them. They are thrilled to be in Guam, and with a new, cooler wardrobe, are committed to dedicating their time on the island to helping to establish the Restored Gospel in this unique part of the Lord’s vineyard. 

Both Elder and Sister Price are from Southern California, so are glad to be back to a place with beautiful beaches and surrounded by ocean vistas.  

Before coming to the Asia North Area on their mission, the Prices blessed the lives of those in their community by sharing their talents and expertise. 

Elder Price was the Dean of Fine Arts at El Camino College in Torrance, California and previous to that assignment worked as a professor of music and director of bands at Antelope Valley College. An accomplished clarinetist, he has toured many countries performing at various venues (Ukraine, Italy, Germany, the U.K., Panama, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, China, and throughout the U.S.) 

Sister Price is an accomplished swimmer and pianist. She has coached high school swimming in Logan, Utah and also through the USA Swimming Organization and worked extensively in elementary schools throughout the Salt Lake Valley. She has a love for working with young people. 

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After working in Utah, Sister Price moved back to California where she and Elder Price met at a single adult dance in 2004 and were married the next year in the Los Angeles Temple.  

Almost 20 years later, the couple felt inspired to serve a senior mission. They received their call to serve in Mongolia as Member and Leader Support (MLS) missionaries shortly before Elder Ronald A. Rasband’s call for additional senior missionaries during the October 2023 General Conference, which affirmed their decision to serve. 

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The first missionaries had arrived in Mongolia in 1992 in response to a request from the Mongolian government to help improve higher education following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Consequently, the Church is still relatively young in Mongolia. 

By law, foreign missionaries are not allowed to directly proselyte, but they can serve as English teachers and in other service capacities. Even with these limitations, the Church is growing rapidly as Mongolians seek out the message of the Restored Gospel and respond to the Witness of the Spirit and are baptized. 

The Prices used their talents and experience as educators in Mongolia to teach English and piano lessons. They also played piano and organ for Church services and meetings. They loved the members of the Church, the Mongolian people, and the other missionaries with whom they served, and that love was generously reciprocated.  

They also were invited to produce, direct, and accompany an Easter concert with a combined stakes choir and a missionary choir all singing in Mongolian. “When we performed 'Come Unto Christ,'” explained Elder Price, "several young missionaries sang the verses at the pulpit, but the rest of the missionaries were sitting with their friends in the audience. During each chorus section, each missionary in the congregation would stand up one by one to join in. You could really hear and feel their bold testimonies of Jesus Christ as His disciples.”  

One activity that the Prices say was particularly gratifying was teaching native Mongolian missionaries English online. Watching the missionaries progress from shyness about speaking this strange new English language, to having the faith and confidence that they could express themselves and testify of the Savior in English, was a wonderful experience. 

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Although they love and miss those whom they served in Mongolia, the Prices are settling into their new missionary environment. They are actively helping to support the younger missionaries and will be helping with the music at the upcoming YSA Conference in Guam as well as a stake Christmas program in December.  

The Prices are an example to us all as they willingly go where the Lord calls them and serve and love unconditionally, whether it be while wearing a down parka and ski mask in Mongolia, or light clothing and sandals in Guam. 

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