Marilou Temael from Palau 2024
© 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Five Palau patrons came to the Yigo Guam Temple for the first time, along with three escorts in May 2024. They were able to do this through the First Time Temple Patron Fund donations. Each patron had their own personal experience inside the temple that they will always remember. One of those patrons is Marilou Temael. She said: “This is my first time in the temple. When I was inside, I put my brother’s name in the temple. He was so sick. As I completed the endowment and was sitting in the Celestial room, I felt the Spirit so strong. When we returned to our hotel, I checked the messages on my phone and was surprised to find out that my brother had passed away. I just cried a little bit because I knew that he was now in a better place. I know he is helping people on the other side of the veil, and is so happy. He was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1985 in the Philippines. Later in his life, he developed an alcohol problem. He tried several times to quit only to start again. Because of that, his kidneys eventually quit working and he was put on dialysis. My sister said that he doesn’t need dialysis. He just needs our prayers. We all prayed for him, but we left the outcome in the hands of the Lord.”
Marilou had trouble getting into her Family Search account before coming to the temple. She tried once she got to Guam as well. Heavenly Father listened and answered her prayers. Brother Dylan Sablan, the Yigo Temple recorder, was able to help her get into her account. She had the opportunity to seal her parents to each other. She was also able to be sealed to them. Marilou said: “I think my brother was helping!” She would have liked to seal her brother to their parents as well, but she needs to wait for the death certificate. She’s hoping to return to the temple in two or three months to do it. She bore her testimony saying: “I am so blessed and feel grateful to be a member of this Church. I’m grateful to have the gospel in my life. I try and teach the gospel to my children. I teach them to pray because I know that prayer is the one thing they can do wherever they go. I tell them to ‘pray, pray, pray’.” Marilou is a good example of one who has learned and knows the power of prayer.